Results for "T"

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  Title Copies
The Flower Adornment Sutra's pure practices chapter = Da fang guang fo hua yan jing xing pin 
Edition: First. 
Year: 2022 
ISBN 13: 9781943211456 
Call No: BQ2052.E5 F62 
The Amitabha Sutra as discoursed by the Buddha. 
Year: 2017 
ISBN 13: 9781943211098 
Call No: BQ2042.E5 F6 
The Lotus Sutra's universal gate chapter on Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. 
Edition: 1st edition 
Year: 2017 
ISBN: 1943211078 
ISBN 13: 9781943211074 
Call No: BQ2062.E5 F6 
The great perfection of wisdom treatise 
Year: 2017 
ISBN: 1943211124 
ISBN 13: 9781943211128 
Call No: BQ1955.N3313 
The founding of Fo Guang Shan 
Year: 2015 
Call No: Pamphlet BQ9800 
The importance of causes and conditions in this world 
The Difficulty of Repaying the Profound Kindness of Parents Sutra 
Year: 2018 
Call No: BQ1692.E5 F8 
Transmettre la lumière : biographie Du Vénérable Maître Hsing Yun 
Year: 2018 
ISBN: 1943211256 
ISBN 13: 9781943211258 
The Flower Adornment Sutra's practices and vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisatttva chapter 
Year: 2019 
ISBN: 1943211299 
ISBN 13: 9781943211296 
Call No: BQ1642.E5 F5 
The five precepts 受持五戒的意義 
Year: 2014 
Call No: Pamphlet BQ9800