Dharma rain : sources of Buddhist environmentalism

Publication Year
Human ecology--Religious aspects--Buddhism.; Nature--Religious aspects--Buddhism.; Environmental responsibility. 
viii, 491 pages ; 23 cm; Includes index.; Dwelling in the forest /Maharatnakuta Sutra --A tree-spirit joins the assembly of monks /Buddhaghosa --Love for animals /Cullavagga --The wishing tree and The noble hare /Jataka Tales --Loving-kindness /Metta Sutta --How Bodhisattvas serve sentient beings /Hua-yen Sutra --The Bodhisattva path /Shantideva --The hunter and the deer /Milarepa --Dharma rain /Lotus Sutra /One truth, countless teachings /Hua-yen Sutra --At home in the mountains /Mahakashyapa --Cold mountain poems /Han-shan --Haiku in the rain /Basho, Buson, Shiki --The jewel net of Indra /Tu-shun --The coincidence of opposites /Shih-t'ou --Letter to the island /Myoe --Mountains and waters sutra /Dogen --Poetry of Daito /Daito --The sun my heart /Thich Nhat Hanh --Early Buddhist attitudes toward nature /Lily de Silva --Thoughts on the Jatakas /Rafe Martin --Enlightenment for plants and trees /William LaFleur --Buddhism with a small b /Sulak Sivaraksa --Blue mountains constantly walking /Gary Snyder --River seeing the river /John Daido Loori --The third turning of the wheel /Joanna Macy --The true source of political success /The Dalai Lama --Buddhist solutions for the twenty-first century /Prayudh Payutto --The religion of consumerism /Sulak Sivaraksa --Development as if people mattered /Sulak Sivaraksa --Thailand's ecology monks /Pipob Udomittipong --Tree ordination in Thailand /Susan M. Darlington --Dhamma walk around Songkhla Lake /Santikaro Bhikkhu --Resisting the Yadana gas pipeline /Parvel Gmuzdek --The agony of Tibet /Galen Rowell --Make Tibet a zone of peace /The Dalai Lama --Responsibility and social action /Philip Kapleau --Zen work /Norman Fischer --Encouraging words for activists /Joanna Macy --Practicing with passion /Christopher Titmuss --Renunciation and daring /Chögyam Trungpa --Meeting the Dralas /Jeremy Hayward --What can I do? /Vanya Palmers --Universal chainsaw, universal forest /Erin Volheim --The rainforest as teacher /John Seed --Guarding the earth /Joanna Macy --The attentive heart /Stephanie Kaza --Meditating with mountains and rivers /Patrick McMahon --In search of the snow leopard /Peter Matthiessen --The Buddha got enlightened under a tree /Rick Fields --City practice and bush practice /Kuya Minogue --Mall mindfulness /Elias Amidon --Garden practice /Wendy Johnson --Buddha and the beasts /Helen Tworkov --Vegetarianism as practice /Philip Glass --Compassion for all beings /Bodhin Kjolhede --Nets of beads, webs of cells /Gary Snyder --Western Buddhism and the global crisis /Peter Timmerman --Notes for a Buddhist politics /William Ophuls --Deep ecology and political activism /Bill Devall --Nuclear ecology and engaged Buddhism /Kenneth Kraft --Population, consumption, and the environment /Rita M. Gross --Envisioning the future /Robert Aitken --The four Bodhisattva vows --Invocation for earth relief ceremony /Rochester Zen Center --Ecological precepts /Green Gulch Zen Center --Earth verses /Thich Nhat Hanh --Meal verses /Thich Nhat Hanh --Grace /Gary Snyder --Spiritual exercises for social activists /Joanna Macy --Apple meditation /Wendy Johnson --Flowers /Buddhist Temple of Chicago --Verses for environmental practice /Robert Aitken --Smokey the bear sutra /Gary Snyder --A love letter /Nanao Sakaki.; A comprehensive collection of classic texts, contemporary interpretations, guidelines for activists, issue-specific information, and materials for environmentally-oriented religious practice. Sources and contributors include Basho, the Dalai Lama, Thich Nhat Hanh, Gary Snyder, Chogyam Trungpa, Gretel Ehrlich, Peter Mathiessen, Helen Tworkov (editor of Tricycle), and Philip Glass.; 
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