
Author: Xingyun [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Att vara god : buddhistisk etik i vardagslivet 
Year: 2003 
ISBN: 0971749531 
ISBN 13: 9780971749535 
佛光菜根譚 (2) = Modeste table, sage nourriture ; Humble table, wise fare : Hospitalité pour le cœur (2) = Hospitality for the heart (II) / 佛光菜根谭 (2) = Modeste table, sage nourriture ; Humble table, wise fare : Hospitalité pour le cœur … 
Year: 2001 
佛光菜根譚 (3) = Modeste table, sage nourriture ; Humble table, wise fare : Un guide de vie (3) = gifts for life (III) / 佛光菜根谭 (3) = Modeste table, sage nourriture ; Humble table, wise fare : Un guide de vie (3) = gifts for life (III) 
Year: 2004 
論佛教民主自由平等的真義 = the true meaning of democracy, freedom and equality in Buddhism / Lun fo jiao min zhu zi you ping deng de zhen yi = the true meaning of democracy, freedom and equality in Buddhism 
發心與發展 = to resolve and to develop / Fa xin yu fa zhan = to resolve and to develop 
To enlighten sentient beings : an exhibition of calligraphy by venerable Master Hsing Yun / To enlighten sentient beings : an exhibition of calligraphy by venerable Master Hsing Yun 
Year: 2005 
Call No: FGS Pamphlet 
Year: 2013 
Call No: Pamphlet BQ 
Das rad der wiedergeburt 
Year: 2013 
Call No: Pamphlet 
Budismo : significados profundos 
Year: 2003 
ISBN: 8529300882 
ISBN 13: 9788529300887 
Sutra : do Buda da Medicina 
Year: 2004 
ISBN: 8529300920 
ISBN 13: 9788529300924 
Call No: BQ2240.B5322 S6